The Yellow-footed green pigeon is particularly called by another name i.e. Yellow-legged green pigeon. It is a special species of green pigeon, which can be easily found in the Indian subcontinent. It is the bird that is found mainly in Maharashtra. In the language of Maharashtra (Marathi), the pigeon is known as the Hariyal of Hola. The yellow-footed green pigeon has fruits, which include different species of focus. In the dense forests, you can find those pigeons on the emergent trees.
On the branches of trees, these pigeons can be found. The yellow-footed green pigeon is classified into less concern. The scientific name of the yellow-footed green pigeon defines its physical attributes and behavior. The name of yellow-footed green pigeon is Treron phoenicopterus. The name is derived from a Greek word, Treron which means pigeon or dove. It also means to be shy or timid. Phoenicopterus means red fathered, which has a lilac patch on the shoulder. So the name shows that it is the shy pigeon, which has a lilac patch on his shoulder.
The pigeon is very beautiful, with a height of 33 cm in length. It is greenish-yellow, which has blackishly winged edged with yellow color. The small patch made on his shoulder looks adorable. The iris of the yellow-footed green pigeon is blue, with the outer circle pink in color. The bill of the pigeon is soft, which is swollen from the base. The sexes of pigeon are similar. When it comes to making comparisons between the male and female pigeons, the female pigeons are even duller in comparison.
The yellow-footed green pigeon is a little slow, which used to sunning themselves by sitting at the top of the emergent trees. In the early morning, you can find the pigeon easily, sitting on the top of the trees, and branches. The pigeon love to fly over. You will not be able to find the yellow-footed pigeon on the ground. Due to climbing so much, the feet of the pigeon is strong enough. As like the parakeets, these pigeon moves on the branches, and eat fruits. From the Banyan and Peepal tree, the yellow-footed green pigeon collect figs to have them. The yellow-footed green pigeon can easily found in Delhi, Maharashtra.
The nesting time of these pigeons is from March to June. They make their nests also in the fruit trees so that they can have it easy, and quicker. If you want to catch the bird, it is quite challenging, because they are hard to settle.
The yellow-footed green pigeon are mesmerizing enough. They have a very subtle nature. Next time, when you want to see the yellow-footed green pigeon, try to find them near the banyan and peepal tree. It is really a very beautiful bird to see.