Bonnet Macaque




Bonnet Macaque is also known as Zati. It is a macaque endemic to Southern India. The appearance of macaque is limited by the Indian Ocean, which is on the three sides, the Tapti Rivers, and the Godavari. It is the old world monkey, which is a diurnal animal. The male macaque weight around 5.5 to 9 kg. Whereas, the female macaque weighs around 3.5 to 4.5 kg. The macaque can live up to 35 years. The bonnet macaques have nuts, fruits, flowers, seeds, cereals. In the Southern region, the macaque exists commensal to humans. Bonnet macaque has multiple behaviors and gestures. The macaque has mood swings issues also. The macaque has an audible sound. The old world monkey is endemic exclusively to India. The macaque is known to be exhibiting because of its cap alike coil fur on his head. The color blending of this monkey is dusky brown and golden. It has a red face, black ears, and a lower lip.

Habits and lifestyle of Bonnet Macaque

The Bonnet Macaque can live on the ground as well as on the trees also. These old world monkeys used to fill their most time on the ground. The animal is diurnal. These monkeys are highly social animals, which does not bother anyone easily. These creatures made a group of 30, including male and female both. It is researched that, when the male bonnet macaque reaches to his maturity, he leaves his group is searching for another gathering. Whereas, the female Bonnet Macaque is loyal with their native group from the start. Even, the female macaques used to let the subgroups get added with her. The daily life of macaque includes social grooming. The macaque is good at setting up the interpersonal relationship. Plus, they are faithful at settling down the conflicts as well. It does not only reflect their social behavior. There are several other activities performed by the macaque, which reflects their social nature with animals.

Diet and Nutrition

The Bonnet Macaques are omnivorous animals. They generally take fruits, nuts, cereals, leaves, berries, supplements, and other invertebrates.

Mating habits

The Bonnet Macaques have multiple partners. When it comes to the season of breeding of the macaques, it all depends upon the location. Most of the breeding time is in September and October. On average, the gestation period is 24 weeks. The baby of macaque stays close with her for 6 to 12 months. During this period, the female mother carries her baby on her back, or in her arms for at least 6 to 7 months. The female macaques get matured at the age of 3 years old. On the other hand, the male macaques get matured around 2 years old.

The bonnet macaque’s species are getting abundant. There are around 170000 bonnet macaques present in the Southern region. In Tamil Nadu, the population of Bonnet Macaques is estimated near around 16000. The numbers of Bonnet Macaques are decreasing rapidly. So, it is our duty to keep them safe.